Bitcoin mining difficulty jump by March 10, forecast


They started talking about a possible increase in the complexity of bitcoin mining against the background of the expected supply of equipment for the mining of crypto coins.

The complexity of mining changes on average once every two weeks, and the power required to work with new blocks directly depends on this. On March 10, 2020, the next calculations of the complexity of the extraction should occur, slightly reduced due to the coronavirus pandemic.

Due to the fact that China approved quarantine measures within the country, all deliveries of mining equipment were significantly delayed. However, in mid-February, quarantine was eased in the country, which made it possible to slightly lift the fallen economy. Taking advantage of the situation, large equipment manufacturers were able to resume supply of products.

So, many miners managed to get their installations, which will soon be launched, and, thanks to this, according to experts, the complexity of mining will increase.

It is also worth recalling the recent update of the historical maximum hashrate bar for bitcoin.
